This page gathers all the questions related to my way of working but also to the elements related to the world of tattooing, you will find a more complete FAQ at the bottom of this page. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me byemail or by Instagram

What is a flash?

A little help

A flash is a design ready to be tattooed made by the tattoo artist. Flashes are only made once , if a flash is no longer available it means that someone else has already reserved it or that it has already been made.

A flash has its own characteristics: a minimum size , a number of sessions to produce it, and of course a price .

The price of flashes is generally lower than for a project, however it is not possible to modify them (or only slightly within reason).

Prices are not displayed on the site since they vary greatly depending on the sizes and areas where it can be made.

If a flash you saw has already been booked, you can always make a project request for a similar design.

What is a project?

A little help

If you can't find what you're looking for among the available flashes, you can make a project request.

Project requests allow you to create a custom design based on your desires: you can describe to me what you want so that I can create the project that is important to you. Obviously the price of a project is slightly higher than in the case of a flash.

For a project request, you can tell me: the description of your project, its size , the desired location , and provide me with reference images that help understand the project.

Following this, my assistant or even will come back to you with the aim of clarifying the project if necessary or with the budget to be considered for it and proposed dates for making an appointment.

⚠️ Please note : I reserve the right to refuse certain project requests: if the request does not match my values or if the project is too far removed from my usual themes.

FAQ - Mr Moutarde

Questions générales

What should I do before my tattoo session?
Before a tattoo session, there are certain things to do and not to do:
  • Get a good night's sleep before the session
  • Stay well-hydrated beforehand
  • Eat well before the session
  • Do not drink alcohol the night before
  • Do not take drugs the night before
  • Wear clothing that allows easy access to the tattoo area (e.g., shorts for a thigh tattoo, a tank top for an arm tattoo, etc.)
  • Prefer black clothing (ink stains very badly)
  • Bring something to drink and eat for your appointment
  • If you need entertainment during the session, feel free to bring a book or your headphones
Is getting a tattoo painful?
Getting a tattoo can indeed sometimes be painful. Some areas are more sensitive than others, and each person experiences pain differently.
We often imagine the pain to be much worse than it actually is. Also, your body plays a crucial role throughout the session: the first 10 minutes can sometimes be uncomfortable, but your body will help you manage the pain by releasing endorphins, which will allow you to tolerate it better.

The longer the session, the more the endorphins wear off, making pain management more difficult. This is why I prefer not to conduct excessively long sessions.
What is a guest spot?
A 'guest spot' refers to a situation where a tattoo artist is invited to work in a different studio than their usual one.

This allows people who cannot travel to the artist's home city to potentially get tattooed by them.
I can't come to Brussels or attend a guest spot to get one of your designs tattooed. Can I go to another artist to have it done?
No, unfortunately, I do not allow the reproduction of my designs, and I do not authorize another artist to tattoo them.
How can I pay for my tattoo?
Two payment methods are available. The easiest for me is cash payment to avoid transaction fees from PayPal or card terminals. There is an ATM right next to the tattoo studio if you need to withdraw cash on the day of the appointment.

If the amount is €250 or less and you have a Belgian bank account, you can also pay via QR Code (Payconiq).
I haven't received a reply to my email. Why?
Many of you contact me regarding custom projects or flash tattoo requests (thank you! 🤩)

It can sometimes be difficult to respond to everyone quickly, and I may need time to carefully consider your requests to give you the best possible answer.

If I feel I am unable to take on a project, you will still be informed, so don't worry if you haven’t received a response yet.

Please be patient, and you will get a reply soon ☺️
Can I bring someone with me to my appointment?
You can, of course, bring someone with you to your session. However, due to space limitations and to ensure a comfortable experience, it is preferable to bring only one companion.


What is a flash tattoo?
A flash tattoo is a pre-made design available for a one-time tattoo. This means it can only be tattooed once on a person (except in the case of matching tattoos for two consenting people).
What is the booking process for a flash tattoo in Brussels?
The process is very simple:
  • Add a flash tattoo to your cart, specifying the city of Brussels (You can, of course, contact me in advance for more information).
  • Complete your order for free.
  • Book an appointment using the link sent via email; a €50 deposit is required at this stage (deducted from the total price).
  • See you on the day of your appointment!
What is the booking process for a flash tattoo in a guest spot?
The principle is very simple:
  • Add a flash to your cart by specifying the city of the current Guest (You can of course contact me in advance for more information)
  • Confirm your order for free
  • We will then contact you to check if dates are available. Please note that if the waiting list is too long, the flash may be put back into the available flashes.
How can I check your availability for a flash tattoo?
On each flash tattoo page, you can see the period for which my bookings are open. If you want to check my remaining availability, you can contact me directly via Instagram DM or send me an email.
Can I get a flash tattoo that is no longer available?
No, a flash tattoo that has already been done cannot be tattooed again. The only option is to request a custom project to create a design similar to the flash you want.
What is the average price of a flash tattoo?
Flash tattoo prices vary greatly (depending on placement, size, style, etc.). The best way to get a price estimate is to contact me with the following information:
  • Desired design
  • Preferred size
  • Preferred placement

On average, flash tattoos range between €250-€280.


What is a custom project?
A custom project is a specific request you can make to have a design of your choice created.

You can submit a project request using this form.

Note: I only create projects in my artistic style that align with my personal values! ☺️
What is the process for creating a custom project?
After filling out the form, you will receive an email summarizing your project.

You will get a response as soon as possible—either with a budget estimate or with additional questions to better understand your request.

If you accept the proposed budget, you will then be able to book an appointment.
What is the average price of a custom project?
Custom project prices vary greatly (depending on placement, size, style, etc.). The best way to get an estimate is to contact me via the form.
Why can't I see my design before booking an appointment?
I understand that not being able to see your design well in advance may be frustrating, but unfortunately, I can't do it differently for several reasons:

First, I simply cannot draw all projects in advance due to the high number of designs I need to create.
Second, I prefer not to risk sending a design that could potentially be tattooed by another artist.

In general, I make sure to send your designs between 5 and 2 days before the appointment so you can provide feedback.