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Media gallery Media gallery
Media gallery Media gallery
Flash Hecate : The fate of Achilles - 1288
In the dim light of the moon, Hecate stood tall, her dark robes flowing like shadows around her. In her hands, she cradled a small amphora, etched with delicate scenes of battle. As Thetis approached, grief weighing her every step, Hecate’s piercing gaze met hers. With a chilling calm, she extended the amphora—a cursed gift. Inside, the final moments of Achilles played out, his fatal strike and fall, eternally captured in a flicker of firelight. "For you, mother of a mortal hero," Hecate whispered, her voice laced with power and sorrow. "May this torment remind you of the fates that not even gods can change."

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12 x 20 cm
Minimal size
~ 03:00
# 3 - 5 sess.
Session(s) required
Price range
July - August - September
Next Brussels availabilities for bookings

* Price range: Les prix varient en fonction du design et de la zone tatouée.
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Hecate : The fate of Achilles - 1288